Freitag, 11. Juni 2010

thoughts about my best friend

sometimes, like now, I'm talking to my best friend, well not talking actually...more writing. and I suddenly think, that I am such a bad best friend. I constantly have so much to do for my university, that I don't really have any freetime. I wake up, go to uni, came back after 8 hours,have to learn until evening and then i literally fall to sleep immediately. I wouldn't care so much, if i didn't had the feeling that I'm more and more losing the connection to her. I know, she would never leave me just like that. she wouldn't quit our long friendship that ones bind us so strongly, I know that. but I really feel like losing the great connection, that we used to have. we always would know, what the other has to say. we literally didn't need to talk, we just knew. but now it is all gone...well I think it's not gone, but it isn't so obvious anymore and I always was so proud of our deep relationship. I am a person, who knows many people, but just have a few really good friends. I always think, that I have to fight to not lose them. because they're so important to me.
If i had known that I have to work that hard for this course of study, I maybe wouln'd have applied. don't get me wrong, I really like the think I'm studying and I like the people I met there, but sometimes I wish there was a way in the middle of studying and freetime. at days like this I'm exhausted and I don't know if all of this really is worth it.
but I keep trying to make this work and I will, because I'm thinking positiv. I rellay think that makes a big difference. to CHOOSE to think positiv makes a big difference. I know what happens, if you're not. i see it every day, I don't want to be like that.(but that's a totally different story)...
well, that's what I needed to say, so...that's it for now.

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