Sonntag, 6. Dezember 2009

letter to Lucy

oh Lucy, that letter you wrote was so sweet. so I write one back.
I miss you too and I hope I'll soon have some time to talk to you again.
uni is really stressfull---STILL! but during christmas I'll have some days off.
there are soon several exams, so these days I don't really do anything else than learning. but, like you said: at least I have something to do^^
oh, it's okay, that you took some pictures. I posted them on my blog, so it's okay, that you have them on yours^^
uuhm, 3C store. I don't really know what you mean. but it's great you have found some place to work with nice people. I wouln't have the time to work while studying...
i AM so greatful, that you like my present and that it really came on your birthday. and I can't wait to see you too. we will have such a great, funny time.
you have a deutscher abend? great XD. that's so cool. I can imagine you playing in german^^
oh cool, when will zack be at your place? and when will you be in america?
you don't have a digital camera? you mean a camera to take photos, right? I just have my canon(the big one), because my little digital camera broke month ago.
oh, it's cold now here. but a few days ago it was some kind of warm here. at least not that cold, it should be in december. well, global warming...all the cool planets are doing it. XD
oh, I have an video idea for us, but I don't know, if have the time to do it...

okay, have to go now.
bye bye lucy( in the sky with diamonds)

1 Kommentar:

Lucy hat gesagt…

I just replied u in m blog^^