seriously: what do i do? besides work and redesingning my room? and I still don't have enough time for posting regulary or even working on my portfolio for uni.
come on...let's face it: I'VE BECOME LAZY! -.- there is no way, I will get an acceptance of the uni, if I'm that lazy. -.-
well, besides my self-doubts, there is not much going on in my life now...BECAUSE I just work, come home, eat, sleep, clean my room. O.o
hmm, okay yesterday I had a fun night, because I met all my freinds again. it was the birthday of a good friend of mine. but that fun didn't last long, because I had to get up early this morning. but at least I had fun.
what else? well, a friend of mine is now back at uni in another town. already miss him. hmm, i wonder, if it's more that friendship between us...but that's complicated and I don't want to thin about that now. remember? I've become lazy. ;)